Ämnets syfte
Genom undervisningen i ämnet engelska ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att
- förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,
- formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,
- använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,
- anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och
- reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.
(Utdrag ur Lgr 11, kursplanen i engelska i grundskolan, Skolverket
There is / It is – The Rules
There is/There are/There was/There were
There is / are is used to introduce a topic, or say that something exists or is in a place.
Have a look at these sentences. The topic is introduced with there is / are, then it and they refer back to something already mentioned.
There's a good film on channel 2. It starts at 10 o'clock. (It = the film)
There are two new students in our class. They're from Brazil. (They = the students)
It … is often used for the weather, time, temperature and distance.
It's warm and sunny weather
It’s cold outside. weather
It’s 20 degrees in Stockholm. temperature
It's only 6 o'clock time
How far is it to the shopping centre? distance
It's three km to my house from here. distance
It's a long way to walk. distance
What's the date? It's November 18th. date
Irregular verbs
World Fame
District 9
Do - Do construction
Does - Do-construction
Did - Do-construction
Big Fish
Mr Williams and the Postman
Idiomatic Expressions
This is me!
Grammar: The Simple Present
What is the simple present?
The simple present expresses (uttrycker) something that happens or something that happens regularly (regelbundenhet/en vana).
The first question to ask yourself is who is doing what? Is it one person doing something or many people doing something? The second question is: If it is one person doing something; is it an I, You or He, She, It?If it is a He, She or It, we then have to add an -s, -es or -ies to the main verb (huvudverb). The main verb tells us what the person is doing. (Jag) I eat all the time.
(Du) You eat all the time.
(Han) He eats all the time.(Hon) She eats all the time.(Det/Den) It eats all the time.
(Vi) We eat all the time.(Ni) You eat all the time.(De) They eat all the time.The main verb in the sentences above is eat. The rule is that we use the main verb eat if it is I, You, We or They performing the action (som gör något). If it is a he, she or it performing the action (som gör något), we add an -s to eat to form eats. Basic spelling rules: he/she/it- The main verb, most of the time, ends with -s: he wants, she needs, The woman gives, The little boy thinks, The elephant swims.
- When the main verb ends with -y and there is a consonant before the y, we change the y to ies: cry becomes cries; fly becomes flies; try becomes tries;
Exception (Undantag): if there is a vowel (vokal) before the -y:, we add an -s: play becomes plays, buy becomes buys,
- Add -es to verbs ending in: -o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
he goes, Peter does, she catches, She fixes, Sanna mixes, it pushes, The elephant rushes, The old woman punches.
Here are some sentences in the present tense. If you don't understand; go back to the rules above; ask your mother, father, sister or brother, or ask your teacher.
Han dricker mjölk.
He drinks milk.
Pojken dricker mjölk.
The boy drinks milk.
(Pojken är en person och kan bytas ut mot "Han")
Den dricker mjölk.
It drinks milk.
Katten dricker mjölk.
The cat drinks milk
Katten är en varelse/sak/ting och kan bytas ut mot "Den")
Jag springer till skolan.
I run to school.
Du gråter varje dag.
You cry every day.
Lars gråter varje dag.
Lars cries every day.
(Lars kan bytas ut mot "Han". Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies: cry cries. Observera att -Y i ordet "cry" föregås av en konsonant).
Lars spelar fotboll.Lars plays football. (Om det finns en vokal före -y lägger vi till ett -s (inte -ies). : play plays; buy buys
Lars och Anna spelar fotboll.
Lar and Anna play football.
(Inget "s" här på grund av att det rör sig om två stycken (fler) som spelar fotboll)
Pojken pussar flickan.
The boy kisses the girl.
(Det är pojken som pussar flickan. Alltså en person som pussar. Pojken kan bytas ut mot "Han". Här blir det -es på ordet kiss på grund av att ordet "Kiss" slutar på ss-ljudet.
Pojkarna pussar hunden.
The boys kiss the dog.
(Flera som "pussar" och då blir det inget -es ändelse på verbet)
Two frogs
Advanced Reading
Read the text in the link below and answer the questions to the text.
Irregular Verbs
Tempus means 'Time' and it is the 3 forms below we use when we speak and write:
(Present) 1st
catch write take | (Past) 2nd
caught wrote took | (Past Participle) 3rd
caught written taken
Practice the 3 forms of the irregular verbs in the link below (Irregular Verbs I). Learn them off-by-heart!
1st Form (Present)
In this exercise the main verb, most of the time, ends with -s when it is a he, she or it performing the action:
He runs, She sings, The little boy thinks, The elephant swims.
Exception (Undantag) 1
Main verbs ending in -ch you will need to add -es instead of -s if it is a he, she or it performing the action:
teach - teaches; catch - catches
Exception (Undantag) 2
Main verbs ending with -o you will also need to add -es if it is a he, she or it performing the action:
do - does
2nd form: Past tense
The past tense describes any action that takes place before right now or in other words describes something that happened.
For example:
1st Form: I speak now.
2nd Form: I spoke yesterday.
Schools II
Do-omskrivning: Did
Grammar: -ing form
The Year 2120
Big Fish
Exercise 1
Skill development: reading, listening
Watch the film Big Fish
Exercise 2
Skill development: speaking, listening and writing
The aim of this exercise is to refresh your knowledge of the plot (handlingen) of Big Fish.
Answer the questions about Big Fish in TEAMS or in you exercise books. Use full sentences when answering the questions. You can work on your own or in groups of two.
Exercise 3
Skill development: writing
With the information you have gathered from Exercise 1, you are now set to write a film review about Big Fish. This exercise is to be done on your own in TEAMS or in your exercise book.
Grammar: Present Simple
Textwork: Warm-up
Who's the boss?
The big jump
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