Ämnets syfte
Genom undervisningen i ämnet engelska ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att
- förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,
- formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,
- använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,
- anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och
- reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.
(Utdrag ur Lgr 11, kursplanen i engelska i grundskolan, Skolverket)
Colourful India
Dangerous Snow
NYC and L.A.
The Customs Officer
A life of crime
Big Jump
Who's the boss? - A dialogue between two dogs (Source: Good Stuff A)
1. Together we will read and discuss "Who's the boss?" (läsförståelse)
2. We will practice (öva) and rehearse (repetera) "Who's the boss?" together in the classroom (uttal, flyt och inlevelse)
3. You will then divide yourselves into groups of two or three and practice on your own. Your teacher will listen and correct your pronunciation (uttal) and help you bring your dialogue to life (inlevelse).
4.You will then present your dialogue to your class/group or teacher.
1. Together we will read and discuss "Who's the boss?" (läsförståelse)
2. We will practice (öva) and rehearse (repetera) "Who's the boss?" together in the classroom (uttal, flyt och inlevelse)
3. You will then divide yourselves into groups of two or three and practice on your own. Your teacher will listen and correct your pronunciation (uttal) and help you bring your dialogue to life (inlevelse).
4.You will then present your dialogue to your class/group or teacher.
Grammar: Simple Present
Rule of the thumb
(Jag) I eat all the time.
(Du) You eat all the time.(Han) He eats all the time.
(Hon) She eats all the time.
(Det/Den) It eats all the time.
(Vi) We eat all the time.
(Ni) You eat all the time.
(De) They eat all the time.
The main verb in the sentences above is eat.
The rule is that we use the main verb eat if it is I, You, We or They performing the action (som gör något). If it is a he, she or it performing the action (som gör något), we add an -s to eat to form eats.
Cane Toads
Big Jump
Big Jump
Du kommer att utveckla din förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift.
Who's the boss? - A dialogue between two dogs (Source: Good Stuff A)
Förmågor som utvecklas och bedöms:
- att förstå och tolka innehållet i en text
- att formulera sig i tal
1. Together we will read and discuss "Who's the boss?" (läsförståelse)
2. We will practice (öva) and rehearse (repetera) "Who's the boss?" together in the classroom (uttal, betoning och uttryck)
3. You will then divide yourselves into groups of two or three and practice on your own. Your teacher will listen and correct your pronunciation (uttal) and help you bring your dialogue to life (inlevelse).
4.You will then present your dialogue to your class/group or teacher.
Period 1: The Simple Present (Grammar)
Läxa till 19/9 6A
1/ Träna på glosorna. Klicka på länken för att öva mot datorn. Från svenska till engelska.
2/ Högläsning. Välj ett stycke att läsa högt. Texten har delats ut till eleverna.
Grammar: The Simple Present
What is the simple present?
The simple present expresses (uttrycker) something that happens or something that happens regularly (regelbundet/en vana).
The first question to ask yourself is who is doing what? Is it one person doing something or many people doing something? The second question is: If it is one person doing something; is it an I, You or He, She, It?
If it is a He, She or It, we then have to add an s, es or ies to the main verb (huvudverb). The main verb tells us what the person is doing.
(Han) He eats all the time.
(Hon) She eats all the time.
(Det/Den) It eats all the time.
(Vi) We eat all the time.
(Ni) You eat all the time.
(De) They eat all the time.
The main verb in the sentences above is eat.
The rule is that we use the main verb eat if it is I, You, We or They performing the action (som gör något). If it is a he, she or it performing the action (som gör något), we add an -s to eat to form eats.
If it is a He, She or It, we then have to add an s, es or ies to the main verb (huvudverb). The main verb tells us what the person is doing.
(Jag) I eat all the time.
(Du) You eat all the time.(Han) He eats all the time.
(Hon) She eats all the time.
(Det/Den) It eats all the time.
(Vi) We eat all the time.
(Ni) You eat all the time.
(De) They eat all the time.
The main verb in the sentences above is eat.
The rule is that we use the main verb eat if it is I, You, We or They performing the action (som gör något). If it is a he, she or it performing the action (som gör något), we add an -s to eat to form eats.
You can find basic examples of the simple present here:
Pupils in years 5 gave examples of things that happen in the classroom at Tungelsta during an earthquake. These examples you can find here:
Pupils in years 5 gave examples of things that happen in the classroom at Tungelsta during an earthquake. These examples you can find here:
Pupils in year 5 gave examples of things that happen outside the class room at Tungelsta during an earthquake: These examples you can find here:
Simple Present applied during English II
Try the quiz below to see if you understand the simple present:
Do-construction (uppdateras under resansgång)
När vi ställer frågor i nutid (presens) använder vi Do eller does + grundformen av ett verb:
Tycker du om glass?
Do you like ice cream?
Springer han snabbt?
Does he run quickly?
Läser Sanna och Anna böcker?
Do Sanna and Anna read books?
Do och Does kallas för hjälpverb.
Like, run och read kallas för huvudverb.
I do → Do I …?
You do → Do you …?
He does → Does he …?
She does → Does she …?
It does → Does it …?
We do → Do we …?
You do → Do you …?
They do → Do they …?
När vi använder I, you (du) ,we, you (ni) eller they använder vi do + grundformen av ett verb. Verbet i sin grundform böjs inte: Do you play football? Do I like her? Do they talk too much? När vi använder he, she eller it använder vi does + grundformen av ett verb. Verbet i sin grundform böjs inte: Does he ride horses? Does she swim every day? Does it bite?
Period 2: Sports 6A
English/Art: (A cross-thematic approach)
The Big Jump
The Big Jump
Foreshortening: A technique used in perspective |
In class we will be reading the text The Big Jump. After listening to the text and discussing its content we will summarize the text using simple sentences and illustrations and finally create a short comic strip. This comic strip will summarize what you have read about in The Big Jump text.
class we will rehearse the basics (from year 5) when creating a comic
strip. We will look at different kinds of speech bubbles, comic-strip
layouts and learn a simple but effective foreshortening technique.
An example of foreshortening is when you look down a long road lined with trees. The edges of the road and trees seem to move toward each other and at the same time they get smaller and smaller. Or, the tree closer to us seems to be much larger than the tree farther away.
Foreshortening |
An example of foreshortening is when you look down a long road lined with trees. The edges of the road and trees seem to move toward each other and at the same time they get smaller and smaller. Or, the tree closer to us seems to be much larger than the tree farther away.
Get The Big Jump - text exercise here:
The foreshortening exercise for the cover of your comic strip:
The comic strip exercise can be found here:
Period 3: Pirates
Vocabulary: Smallstar
Period 3: Heroes
Examples of heroes that classes 6A and C came up with:
Superman Wonder Woman Batman Krishna Spiderman Bamse Spawn
Wolverine Pippi Longstocking The Joker Thor Krishna Harry Potter
What do we think about when we think of heroes:
Film: Unbreakable
Examples of heroes that classes 6A and C came up with:
Superman Wonder Woman Batman Krishna Spiderman Bamse Spawn
Wolverine Pippi Longstocking The Joker Thor Krishna Harry Potter
What do we think about when we think of heroes:
Film: Unbreakable
Lesson 1:
Watch the first 40 minutes of the film Unbreakable.
Lesson 2:
Backtrack and discuss what has happened in the film. Talk about the colour green we see when we see David and the colour purple when we see Elijah in the film.
Think about what the doctor says about the baby (Elijah): "His arms and legs are broken" and what the other doctor says to David after the train crash: "... you didn't break one bone". Now think about the title of the film.
Now watch the rest of the film.
Robin Hood
The first text you will be working with is Robin Hood which can be found on pages 48 & 49 in the Good Stuff A textbook.
Task one:
Your teacher will guide you through the text (orally) and together we will discuss similarities (likheter) between Robin Hood and other types of heroes.
Task two:
Divide yourselves into groups of two or three and work with the Robin-Hood handout. You will find the Robin-Hood handout here:
A Life of Crime
Grammar: The Past Simple
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
Try this quick quiz to test your understanding of when to use was or were.
I wasYou were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
Try this quick quiz to test your understanding of when to use was or were.
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